Elmhurst's War on Weeds

Posted on
30 July 2019

Jill and Leo from Elmhurst short stay were joined by Chris and Duncan to wage war on the weeds. Chris' father Edward had been an Elmhurst resident for a while and sadly passed away in July.

Chris said that as soon as he saw the poster he knew that he’d be here.

Elmhurst's courtyard before.

Chris also donated beautiful plants and flowers from his garden centre in Prestbury called 'Prestbury Plant and Garden’ and these will be a heartfelt memorial for Edward. Leo from Elmhurst said that she likes gardening and wanted to help with the transformation. We really would not have achieved what we did without these guys!

A massive massive thank you to Chris and Duncan.

The residents were all behind us and many came outside and offered there gardening advice.



I think everyone can agree that they did a fantastic job!