Team Persona Crosses the Bury 10k Finish Line!

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19 September 2019

Around 1600 runners including 12 from Team Persona set off on Sunday for the fourth running of the Bury 10k and Personas second. Once again the weather was great and hundreds of supporters lined the streets creating a carnival atmosphere.

After 8 weeks of  training, park runs, speed walks, workouts & blogs everyone embraced the day and really enjoyed the event. All the team completed the run in under 1h 40m with 5 getting a PB.

We’ve also managed to raise in excess of £500 for this year’s chosen charity Bury Hospice; a fantastic achievement.

If you’d like to make a donation, please visit our JustGiving page here before Monday 30th October.

To read the rest of the Bury 10k blogs, click here.