Woodbury Short Stay Refurbishment

Posted on
21 May 2019

The team at Woodbury have been busy turning the old sensory room into a fab new dining area.

Rob (Support Co-Ordinator) and Shirley (Lead Support Worker) said that the sensory room wasn't well used; what the guests really needed was more room to move about and for the space to be more accessible for everyone who stays there.

Rob said 'We have already tried out the space with a Red Nose Day party, there was plenty of room for food, drinks and dancing!'

The building work was carried out by Six Town Housing and the main changes are the removal of a wall, new curved flooring, a new window and a fully accessible door, all completed within a couple of weeks! Now all the guests can get into the garden and there's lots more light in the living area. 

Angela, one of Woodbury's guests, thinks the refurb is 'Brilliant and it's a better space, it's lovely'. Benjy (Angela's dog) also agrees!

With some clever thinking the sensory equipment has been moved to Room 3 so guests can still enjoy it.

There are lots of events planned at Woodbury, using the new space - find out what's planned here.

Find out more about Woodbury here.