How to Vote

Posted on
03 June 2024

Voting can sound scary because it's important.

It doesn't need to be scary.

Voting is your chance to tell the people who run our country what you want.


Click here to read how politics works in Easy Read on My Vote My Voice's website.

Click here to read the different parties' manifestos (what they say they will do if they win).

Register here for an online session from Learning Disability England on Friday 28th June 1 pm - 2.30pm.

Michelle, who's supported by Bury Shared Lives, has told us her story about voting.

She told us:

  • why she voted in the local elections
  • how she decided who to vote for
  • what it felt like to vote
  • why she thinks voting is important


Click here to read Michelle's story.

If you want to vote you will need to:

  • register to vote
  • check you have the correct ID to vote
  • decide how you want to vote:
  • - in person
  • - by post
  • - by proxy (someone else will vote for you)
  • decide who you want to vote for

Important dates

If you want to vote in the general election in July, here are some important dates:

Register to vote before Tuesday 18th June - click here for information

Apply for a postal vote before Wednesday 19th June (14th June in Northern Ireland) - click here for information

Apply for free Voter ID here before 5pm on Wednesday 26th June - click here for information

Apply for a proxy vote (so someone else can vote for you) before Wednesday 26th June (14th June in Northern Ireland) - click here for information

Polling day is Thursday 4th July.

This easy read tells you how to vote and what you need to do to vote.


Click here to read My Vote Matters and

  • see what you need to register to vote
  • download your voting passport on page 32


To find out

  • who you can vote for in your area
  • how to contact your electoral service

click here.

Let your friends know about voting

You can share this page with people or share this poster - click here to see the poster. LINK

Register to vote and then ask for a free pin badge. You can wear your pin badge to show other people that accessible voting is important. Click here to ask for your badge.


Are you supporting someone to vote?

Click here for information to help you do that.

Click here for information on supporting people to vote while they are in short stay.

We are excited to have signed up to the My Vote My Voice charter - you can find us and all the other supporters here.