John gets his jab

Posted on
01 March 2021

John from Supported Living went for his vaccine last month and the trip was extra special because it was at the Etihad Stadium. His sister, Linda told us about his experience.


"Actually, Everton is his first team but our Dad was a big City fan so he has always liked City as well. We all go to watch City as a family (John comes with me, my husband Rory & my son Will) - he has had a season ticket for 10 years so goes to every weekend home match and has been to Wembley a few times as well. His PA Peter takes him to Everton sometimes as well.

He was delighted to go to the stadium for his vaccine and is really looking forward to going back to watch live matches again.

He was happy about getting the jab, he is used to having a flu jab every year so took it all in his stride and the staff at the vaccine centre were brilliant and really took the time to explain everything to him. He is looking forward to his second jab at the Etihad."