Our Green Staff Ambassador

Posted on
22 April 2024

April 2024


Hi everyone,

Hope everyone had a lovely Easter and Eid, and I hope those celebrating have a good Passover.


As mentioned in my February blog regarding the heating issue at Sunnybank Community Centre, we now have installed 4 fans near the ceiling of the main hall. This helps to circulate the air equally throughout the hall, which helps with the energy consumption.


Dawn Clegg at Sunnybank said:

Thank you on behalf of the people we support for the fitting of the ceiling fans.

The impact they have had has been so noticeable, the people we support are so much more engaged and alert as the temperature is far more comfortable and for our people to have a positive service.

Also, the appetites of the people we support have improved.


I want to say thank you for those who attended last Your Voice Committee Meeting in January and contributed to the discussion regarding the Green Plan and recycling and what can we do to recycle more. I am looking forward to continuing the topic at the next meeting and get everyone involved in an interactive activity on recycling and seeing what I can do to help your service to recycle more.


It's also Earth Day on 22nd April and the theme is Planet vs Plastics. To celebrate, we created a printable poster with tips to reduce single-use plastic. Click here to download it.


As always, please get in touch if you have any questions or suggestions - carmen.gillonweerasinghe@personasupport.org

Read about the trip Carmen inspired Bury Shared Lives to take in April, to learn about green solar energy! Click here.

Missed a blog article? Staff can log into the intranet and read them all here.

Staff can click here to log in to the intranet and read more about our Gloves Recycling Project.

Click below for a printable poster on: