Steven's Blogs - Ageing in Place Project

Posted on
01 July 2024

Click here for a printable copy of our map: some wonderful walking routes around Clarence Park, connected by six social benches, plus accessible information.


Hi I’m Steven Greason, leading the Ageing in place project in Moorside Bury.


I've been working in the health and wellbeing sector for over 10 years and I have always been passionate about helping people live their best lives.

The Ageing in Place project was a perfect fit to help me achieve this, being over 50 is no reason to not continue to be part of the community and with this project I am able to solve the barriers, deliver more activities and make Moorside an age-friendly place to live.

A little about me: I have lived in Bury all my life, so I hold a very special connection to the project. My hobbies and interest involve playing football once a week, I'm a keen snooker player and like to relax by taking my dog out for a long walk. I love dogs so if you ever see me walking around the Lido or Clarence Park, please say hello so I can meet you and your dog.  

The project is based around 3 questions:

  • What do you like about Moorside?

  • How can we improve Moorside?

  • How can we work together?


It is aimed at residents of Moorside who are aged 50+ and we are looking at how we can improve the area to make it age friendly. 

This consist of delivering more activities and overcoming barriers that are currently stopping people from enjoying Moorside. 

The project is very much resident led so resident engagement is key! All ideas of activities and barriers to engagement we need to hear from them in order to improve the area and deliver the activities. We are very focused on co-production so building strong partnerships in Moorside is important to us.

We have established working partnerships with Age UK, HMR Circle, Bury Adult Education Centre, and various local volunteering groups.


Watch this video, created by Greater Manchester Combined Authority, of Moorside residents Kath and Rita:

May 2024 Update

We've created a map with some wonderful walking routes around Clarence Park, connected by six social benches. Click here for a printable copy.


Past Updates