Stories from Ascot

Posted on
23 September 2020

Francine is one of the carers at Spurr House. One of the things that she really enjoys doing is to really get to know her customers. We take a look back now on her meeting with Dorothea a couple of months ago. Francine says:


We have had some lovely experiences with the customers on Ascot lounge at Spurr House. One such customer Dorothea, has been sharing her life stories. As she has been sharing these with us she has laughed, been really animated, and full of expression, which was lovely to see.

(Here's Dorothea having her nails done with Esther)

The stories range from:

  • How her father was a prisoner of war in Germany and the effect it had on her.

  • Her experiences during the war years.

  • Her school years at Bury Convent school, which is now Holy Cross, and how special the nuns who taught there were to her. When they found out she loved cleaning, they asked her if she could clean brass. She said yes, and so whilst other pupils were doing other chores she was given the brass to do. It always cheered her up whilst doing this for them.

  • Her time as a teacher at St Peters, here in Bury; how she loved working with the children and seeing them grasp new things as they studied in her classroom. One boy she used to teach ended up working as the Queen’s footman when she went to visit Japan - Dorothea is so proud of him.


Whilst sitting with her one day I asked if she liked music; she shared that she used to play the piano. We chatted about the various types of music she likes and then I put some relaxing piano music on for her from YouTube. She thought this was marvellous and sat back to listen to it. She so enjoyed it that she made the comment how lovely it was compared to today’s music which she finds awful to listen to - it 'makes her want to take her hearing aids out'. Dorothea is a lovely lady, and if anyone sits with her just ask her how  she is what happy memories she has of her life, her face will light up as she’ll happily open up to you.


It's a lovely example of the caring value of Persona staff and also how many interesting stories there are to be told by our older generation. Let's all get asking! You never know what gem could be waiting for you!



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