Sunflower Competition #ConnectWithNature

Posted on
20 July 2021

Back in May we sent out sunflower seeds to every Persona service to mark this year’s theme of Mental Health Awareness Week, which was nature.


The Mental Health Foundation encourages everyone to #ConnectWithNature because research shows it can not only help to improve our mental health but being in nature also reduces feelings of isolation.


Everyone across Persona has worked together to nurture the sunflowers from seeds, to seedlings and to full blown flowers. This has given us an opportunity to Take Notice, Be Active, Connect and Keep Learning – four of the five ways to wellbeing promoted by the NHS.


We gave the deadline date of 19th July to see who could grow the tallest Sunflower. There are many brilliant green fingered staff and customers at Persona so our Director of Care, Helen Lavers, was eager to get out to services with her measuring tape to find a winner and a runner up. Each would win £25 to go into their Amenity Fund.


The winners are:




Thank you to everyone who joined in and we hope to keep you posted with how the sunflowers get on throughout summer!