Volunteer Recognition Day

Posted on
20 April 2024

It's Volunteer Recognition Day & we'd like to share some very special people with you...

The Green Café relies on volunteers so it can keep the local community topped up with tea and bacon butties. We're really grateful to them for the difference they make every day because, of course, they go much further than just tea and butties.


'I enjoy working with everyone and helping the community, I enjoyed baking some cakes to sell over Easter. I like being part of a team I am a caring person.'

'I really enjoy working in the café, I work Saturdays and it's really busy but I like to be busy. My favourite parts of volunteering are talking to the customers and staff and doing a few different jobs, making hot drinks.'

'I volunteer 3 days a week and really love it, interacting with customers, staff and other volunteers. I am hoping to gain more experience and knowledge for the future to look for paid work. I am very happy to be part of the Persona team.'


'I started volunteering at the café to gain confidence and independence. I enjoy challenging myself with a new role and meeting new people. With volunteering I gained doing something for myself and getting out of my house. My favourite parts are going home knowing I've done something with my day and making friends with colleagues and residents.'


'I enjoy helping people, coming up with ideas to help get the café busier like singers, magic shows and outdoor bowls. I like doing a lot of different duties including serving people and doing some cleaning. I feel I am being very helpful when I do this. I have volunteered before and I just enjoy doing it.'

'I enjoy meeting new people, it makes me feel happy when I'm in the café, I like working in the kitchen with everyone and my friends, I really enjoy baking the flapjacks and cakes and using the till.'


Thank you all!



Click here to see photos of our volunteers in action.

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