Living the Values - Adaptable

Posted on
09 August 2018

As you know, when we developed our values we based these on the things our workforce said about working at Persona.

The language that lead us to creating the Adaptable value consistently referred to flexibility. But what does this look like in practice? Well some of you will be pleased to know it’s not about whether you can hold an extreme yoga position or touch your elbow with your nose (try it – we’re just not built that way!). It’s all about your ability to change your approach to fit the situation you find yourself in and how well you cope with that.

Many of us are creatures of habit so it’s not always easy to respond positively to a change. It can create feelings of panic, a sense of losing control. It can bring out our stubborn side and make us dig our heels in. We don’t always know why – it’s just the principle of having been asked to do something we weren’t expecting.

Those people who are champions of the Adaptable value probably still feel all of those things – they are only human after all – but they find a way to manage them. When they are faced with a need to do something differently they roll their sleeves up and get stuck in. They don’t complain, they don’t create a drama, they simply take it on board and deal with it. They remain calm and unflustered, taking it in their stride. The best way to recognise an Adaptable champion is that there simply is no fuss. They pick up what needs doing, change direction where needed and work always around what is needed at that time for that person or that situation. They are not wedded to ‘how we used to do it’ or ‘what normally happens’. They have an open mind.

The best thing about being an Adaptable champion is that you are much happier. When we struggle to be adaptable this generally brings out negative emotion – being angry, worrying, getting upset. Being Adaptable releases you from all of that negative emotion because you go with the flow rather than resisting and struggling.

A much calmer place to be for you, your customers and your colleagues.
