As Persona employs more than 250 colleagues it is required to comply with government regulations on gender pay gap reporting by publishing details of its gender pay gap, specifically the difference in average female earnings compared to average male earnings.

Difference in Mean Pay – 2.33%

Difference in Median Pay – 0%

Mean Bonus Gender Pay Gap – N/A

Median Bonus Gender Pay Gap – N/A



Salary Quartile




Lower Quartile



Lower Middle Quartile



Upper Middle Quartile



Upper Quartile





Persona employ staff who predominantly work in a social care role. In addition there are a number of support roles including administration, domestic, management and head office functions.

Persona uses pay scales and grades in line with the NJC job evaluation scheme. Grades are determined based on duties and responsibilities of the role and the job holder will earn the rate for that role irrespective of gender.

The gender profile within Persona is 80% female and 20% male, this is reflected within the salary quartiles above, however, there are a lower number of males within the lower quartile.

Persona are confident that male and female employees are paid equally for doing equivalent job roles across the business.

Next Steps

The social care sector generally has a higher proportion of females working within the sector and this is a characteristic of the sector. Persona is committed to encouraging more males to work within all levels across the organisation.

Persona is keen to develop a career pathway for all staff to choose to progress within the organisation.