Karen - Activities Coordinator, Elmhurst Short Stay

Posted on
30 October 2020

Karen joined the Elmhurst Short Stay team just as the Covid-19 pandemic started.

Her role is Activities Co-ordinator and the transformation at Elmhurst has been significant. The walls are now covered with artwork co-created by the people we support at Elmhurst and their weeks are enriched by poetry reading, themed days, film nights, and talks on all sorts of subjects, to name just a few activities that Karen arranges. Here is another:



Passionate about her role, Karen is a regular contributor to resources for staff in other services and she has also written this article on mindful caring.


We chatted to Karen about her role, what she hopes to achieve and her passion and commitment to make sure that everyone lives their best life is inspiring.

Click on the videos below to watch the interview.


Karen's plans for her role



Activities that bring people out of their shell



The lesson of not giving up



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