Did someone say Bury 10k?

Posted on
17 July 2019

Did someone say Bury 10k?


At the end of 2018’s Bury 10k everyone kept asking me one question.


The question:  Will you carry on running?


The answer:  Yeah, I think I will


The reality: Epic Fail!


In fact I think I have only run twice since last year’s Bury 10k (and one of those times was for the ice cream van – so I don’t think that actually counts!).


So, why am I so keen to sign up again this year? Well there are a few reasons:


  • It was a great team event, a number of us came together with one goal in mind.  Many of us had never run a 10k before but everyone encouraged each other to succeed.
  • It was a personal challenge and I did it! I felt really proud of myself at the end of last year’s 10k, so why would I not want to do it again?
  • I learnt a lot about myself, such as self-determination, perseverance and that you can do things if you put your mind to it.
  • I want to beat my time from last year and challenge myself to go faster.

Also, if I lose a few pounds along the way, well that’s also a bonus!

This year my journey started one Sunday afternoon.  All of a sudden there was a voice in my brain that said ‘come on Laura, there’s only 9 weeks to go’ and that was it.  Why something didn’t click before then I have no idea!

This year, I decided to use the NHS couch to 5k podcast whilst I’m running to help me keep track of the intervals between walking and running and I’m loving it (although I’m only 2 runs in!).  I find the music really helps to keep you going and the time passes quicker.

For my second run, the enthusiasm was not really there.  My bones and muscles were sore and aching from Sunday’s run, it was really warm outside and I was feeling tired.  But I gave myself a virtual kick up the bum and off I went. Thirty minutes later I was back home, I had beaten my time from Sunday and after about an hour, I started to feel really pleased with myself for making the effort to go out for a run.

I know my journey will not be an easy one, running is a challenge for me but I am determined to do it and being part of a wider team of fantastic people who motivate and encourage each other to do their best whatever their ability is amazing.

So with less than 9 weeks to go and a 2 week holiday in the middle of my training, wish me lots of luck for this year’s Bury 10k.

Are you looking for a challenge this year? Well what are you waiting for?  Why not sign up and join the Persona Team for this year’s Bury 10k and if you are a staff member Persona will fund you £10 towards your entrance fee.

To support the team, visit our JustGiving page here supporting Bury Hospice - thank you!

To read the other team members' stories, click here.