Our Workforce Staff Ambassador

Posted on
18 December 2023

Cathy will be back very soon; here's her most recent blog post:


December 2023


So what has my November looked like...

It was great to be chosen to be on the recognition panel, this was to help choose 4 of many nominated members of staff/teams that had been given a High Five. It was lovely to see so many nice nominations and the reasons why these people were nominated.

I have been asked to attend a high school with Sue Waldron to do a presentation to the students about who we are and what we offer here at Persona. We are just waiting for a secure date for this to go ahead, so keep your eyes peeled to find out how that went.

I also had the opportunity to attend a Persona Your Voice meeting at The Green along with a lady we support from Grundy Hub. This is the first time I have attended one of these meetings. It was nice to hear of things that have been discussed preciously and to see some of those plans being achieved. Lots more were discussed in this month's meeting so watch this space...

Things have started to quieten down now due to things coming to a close for Christmas, but I can imagine in January there will be plenty for me to get involved with, and I'm sure I’ll have lots to tell you.


While I'm going around services, I have a chat with members of staff about their jobs. Click here to have a read of these case studies and more like them.

Missed a blog article? Staff can log into the intranet and read them all here.