Lucy's determination pays off

Posted on
05 October 2020

Lucy's passion for animals is an inspiration and goes to show just how far determination and hard work can get you, when you're following your dreams.

After passing a year long sports course at Bury College in 2018, Lucy continued to prove her hard work ethic by staying on to achieve a distinction in Animal Care Level 2, before passing her Equine Level 2 at Eccles College again, with distinction. But this wasn't enough; she was extremely determined to put her knowledge into action and work with animals.

On a trip to Ramsbottom, Lucy and her carer Trish came across a milk bottle with details of a local dairy farm in Summerseat, so they began visiting regularly to buy things from the farm shop. Each time they went, Lucy would talk about her interest in working with animals and she asked whether there were any jobs she could do.

And her hard work has paid off! Her obvious enthusiasm for animals and her persistence in looking for work has meant she has secured a job at the farm, which she started in September 2020. Lucy is now working five days a week in the dairy and one of her tasks is to prepare the area where the cows are milked. Her employer is so impressed with her commitment that he is planning to train Lucy to do other jobs on the farm, including feeding the calves.

Well done Lucy, you are an inspiration to us all!


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