Travels and Changes - Lucy's Moving On

Posted on
31 October 2023

The last few time we've spoken to Lucy, she's been sharing her qualification and career successes. Now she's got something completely different to tell us about!


I've had a lot of changes in my life this year which I'm really happy about - they are positive ones. I've moved in with my boyfriend, Alex, and his family and before I moved in, they also invited me to go to Australia with them, for Alex's brother's wedding.

The holiday was really good, it was a once in a lifetime experience for me. When we were in Darwin there was nothing around us in the outback, we had to drive for 30 minutes to get to the nearest shop! My favourite memory of Australia is seeing everyone dressed up, celebrating together at the wedding party with all the music.

We spent 2 weeks in Thailand too - it was chaos and funny. We went to nightclubs and bars at night and in the day we went to waterparks and the beach. It was very hot and quiet - when it was cloudy you could still feel the sun. My favourite memory of Thailand is the food, it was gorgeous and there was so much seafood to try. It was really cheap from the little restaurants too.

I really like living with Alex and his family, we all get on. I have got a lot better at cooking, we all cook together and help out. I make things like pasta, homemade burgers, gammon and mussels.

I have also learnt that I can be more independent and do more things on my own confidently too. Alex and I are looking for our own place, we haven't found anywhere yet. Alex's mum and nan said they will help us and his dad says he will help us decorate and do any work on it!

I'm still working at Bleakholt, it's going really well too. We have a new pig called Teddy that chases me around all the time! It was hot working outside in the sun over the summer but I am enjoying it.

Before I moved in with Alex I lived with my Shared Lives carer from when I was 12 through fostering. They helped me through my teenage years and made me feel like part of the family. They helped me with my confidence too; I remember when I was younger, I was always scared to pay the cashier in shops but they kept on encouraging me and now it's something I do confidently without even thinking about it.




Read more about Lucy's journey herehere and here.


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