Below is a selection of some recent compliments that we have received.


  • I’ve been to see Russell's mum & sister today. When I first met with them, they had a lot of worries about this whole moving on process, the difference today was really marked. They both seem more positive and had good things to say about all the Persona staff they been involved with so far. So, I just wanted to pass on my compliments to the team and everyone who has been involved so far with Russell and his family. It really good to see the family much happier about this next step for Russell.​


  • May I say that this has been the most remarkable review that I have ever carried out!!! There are so many improved areas their life, it’s exceptional and just wonderful for them. The staff team should be extremely proud, these kind of accomplishments are rare and achieving so much is a testament to you all!!! It’s been heartwarming and delightful to see!! 


  • Gavin and ourselves are very lucky to have such good people looking after Gavin. He always looks very happy when we visit. We do appreciate what you do for him. Thank you for everything. Colin and Kath


  • I’m very impressed with Kay who is working at 69 today. She seems very thoughtful, kind & sensible.


  • What a lovely service at Fir Street It was my first visit, lovely staff and very homely. I understand it’s been a difficult transition with time, and not a lot of info etc, but the team have got to know him really well in a short time.

  • Pass on our thanks to the team as we understand it is a difficult role doing 1:1 with any individual. It is recognised that the success of Jessica's community placement is a result of her support. 


Find out more about our Supported Living service here.